Thursday, September 13, 2007

Me and my shipmate voyaged to Fircroft College which be in Selly Oak, Birmingham. It was a fine sunny day and G was a talkin to various folk about something called MoLeNet, I thought he was talkin about them burrowin beast but no it was more of using this ere information learnin technology. Sometimes I get a right old pain in the head with all this stuff and not even had a good session of hard drinkin to remember!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Last Wednesday I a voyaged with G to the fair city of Oxford. He was there for some a kind of Web two point zero thingy. As for I, well I wouldn't have minded a drop of ale in that pub by the river!

Went to Pontlands Hotel with old matey G -he was a thar a workin' (or so he said!)
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