Saturday, June 16, 2007

Believe it or not -this be the first roundybouty thingy in Britain

There be a wooden sign thar a sayin so!

Ye might want to get close up ta read it!
Watch out for all a them motor cars though!

Went to Letchworth again with me sea mate G. We stopped to have a peek at this here roundybouty thingy --a course at sea such things are not required -mind you the English Channel can get a bit busy!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Happy Birthday B !

He's a Joker alright!

Saturday - 9th June we went to Cambridge to celebrate B's Birthday -ha haar! He be a fine lad so he be.
We dined at Kami's Ristorante which served a range of dishes such as Greek & Italian. The food was very nice and we all sang Happy Birthday while B blew out the candles on a tiramisu!

Here I be at Somerset House

Wonder what that was for?

Down by old father Thames!

Tuesday 4th June a went down to London with G. We had time to pause by the river and look at them thar little river craft. We then went up the hill to Somerset House. It was once the site of the Admiraltry which would explain the Seaman's Hall and so on.

In Colchester!

T's local town -Ampthill

Good old T !

Week end of 2nd June -a bit a voyagin. Saturday we went to Colchester and then on the Sunday went over to Ampthill.

According to Wikipedia -The first settlement was called 'Aemethyll', which literally means either 'ant-heap' or 'ant infested hill'. Well I'll be blowed!