Thursday, June 29, 2006

Cambridge again mateys! This time by the river Cam with all them thar funny punts! We also went to part of University of Cambridge -behind me is a skeleleton of a whale! Arr I love whales and their ilk -such intelligent creatures -whenever we came across a whalin' ship I was always tempted the blow the scurvy lot out o the water!

G is busy a workin' on me next video -so keep a lookout mateys!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Voyaged to Clophill to support T as 'is band were a playin' in somethin' a called 'Battle of the Bands'. G said that I did not need me trusty belayin pin and to stow away the black powder as it was not that type of battle.

Anyways this battle was between various 'rock' bands -not a tin whistle, squeeze box or fiddle to be heard -instead a mighty noise louder than a cannonade comin' a from electric guitars and loud singers! at times I ad to cover up me good ear but then I started to get to like it especially when T's band "Four Foot Seven" started up. You can be a spyin me up there on the drum kit and with the band after.

They sang various things like God Save The Queen (different words though but they did keep sayin that they loved the Queen) 13 stitches, Monster Mash and I really liked one when we could all chorus Hey Ho Lets Go!

A grand day and Four Foot Seven got second prize -£150 luvverly pounds of vouchers from a music shoppe! I know that G was extremely proud of T and I say well done too matey!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

St Ives today mateys! No not unfortunately the one in Cornwall -ah the smell of brine in the air how I be missin' it!

Here I be by the River Great Ouse
That bridge ye can see is very old, G says that it is mideevil. See more about it 'ere.
That scurvy dog Oliver Cromwell has a statue of him in the town centre. Want to know more about this fair town? Then have a look see 'ere.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Cardiff this Thursday an' Wednesday wi' G. He be meetin' wi' his fellow captains from around th' country, England, Ireland, Scotland an' Wales t' talk about usin' these here computers an' things t' help swabbies wi' the'r learnin'.

't be certainly hot! I wished fer a good glass o' ale at times I can tell ye!

London wi' G. He be doin' somethin' wi' new college buildings or whatere. Now if 't had been on shipbuildin' then that would ben a different story!

Ye can be seein' me wi' th' BT Tower behind me -that would make a fine crows nest.

Across th' street be th' Chinese embassy wi' 'tis red flag flyin'. Ahh I rememeber Shangai 'ere one o' me many beauties Tiger Lily could be found!